Refund Policy


Granolacrystals (Vanessa Beltrame) policy only allows for returns of items within 24 hours of delivery of the goods.

To be eligible for return, the item must be intact, intact in all its parts and in the same condition in which you received it. It must also be in its original packaging, complete with all its components. In the event of returning damaged or worn items, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised by the customer.

In order to return it, it will be necessary to communicate the order number, photographic evidence and the reasons for requesting this service to the address (with education). Please do not send your purchase back without contacting me, in this case the return will not be accepted and you will not be refunded.

Once I have received and inspected the return, I will send you an email to notify you that the item has been received. I will also notify you when your refund request is approved or denied. I reserve the right to refuse unauthorized returns or returns that do not comply with all the conditions set out. If your request is approved, the refund will be made within a number of days via the payment method used during the purchase of the product.

Shipping costs for returning the item will be your responsibility. Shipping costs will not be refundable. If you receive a refund, return shipping costs will not be included in the refund.

Depending on the country you live in, the time required for delivery of the returned product may vary.